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Monday, January 18, 1965 


Volume 77, No. 6 

|" Enrollment Slips CaitlDUS tO Host SenferS 

As Students Leave, «, - . - ■ K 

others Register At Future Freshman Day 

COMPANY REPRESENTATIVE explains the usage of the new 
OF computer. It has been installed in the science hall and is a 
gift of Lowell Edwards. 

$25,000 Computer Comes to Campus 
As Edwards Gift for Science Use 

The college administration received word last week 
of the air shipment of a PDS 1020 computer, manufac- 
tured by Pacific Data Systems, Inc., of Santa Ana, Cali- 

The computer, memory module, and typewriter in- 

terface, cost $25,000, and is a gift to the college by Susan Dionne, James Gavin, 

. .. . Oelia Howell, Gordon O ox ten. 

The 350 pound unit is mount- — - 

The registrar's office reports 
that the winter term at George 
Fox college, as of last week, 
has a total enrollment of 329 
students. This is slightly less 
than the fall term of 336, but 
some students may yet regis- 

There were 17 dropouts from 
first term and 13 new or re- 
turning students second term. 
Among the new students are 
four freshmen: Maurice Macy 
from Wheaton, Illinois; Patri- 
cia O'Brien from Seattle, 
Wash.; Dennis Osborne from 
Newport, Ore.; and David Birch 
from St. Helens, Oregon. 

Robert Jackson from New- 
berg is the only new sophomore, 
but the class has four returning 
students: Judi Belanger from 
Newberg; Marjorie Brood from 
Medford, Ore.; Mike Cox from 
Yorba Linda, Calif.; and Mike 
JarvUi from Silverton, Oregon. 

Jose Alcantara from Baga- 
manoc Catanduanes, Philip- 
pines and Donald Brown from 
Newberg are the only special 
students to enroll this term. 
Donald Sasse from Newberg 
and Larry Cowin are finishing 
their registration. 

Seventeen of those enrolled 
last term have not returned for 
the winter term. Students 
Marcy Dow and Pearl Waldo 

Future Freshman Day will be held on the George 
Fox college campus, Saturday, January 23. High school 
seniors from all over the Northwest will come to be the 
guests of GFC for a day that has been planned to show 
them a little of what life is like'on campus. 

Registration will start at 9:00 a.m. in the Student 
Union building. At 9:30 a.m. the first of two group 

sessions will meet. These 
group meetings are designed to 
show the prospective students 
the academic possibilities of 
each of the divisions available. 
The heads of the various divi- 
sions have planned the group 
meeting-s and a majority of the 
faculty will participate. The 
first session will cover divisions 
I, n, and m. The second ses- 
sion will cover divisions IV, V, 
and VX 

Campus Tour 

At 11:20 college students will 
take charge and conduct cam- 
pus tours. 

What's Inside 

Student Aids in Rescue 
Page 2 

Health Services Explained 
Page 2 

League Champions! Page 4 

Lowell Edwards, GFC alum- 
nus, of Santa Ana, California. 

The computer is primarily 
for educational uses and will 
be located in the science depart- 
ment of the college. This will 
bring to students an opportun- 
ity to study intricate mathe- 
matical formulas beyond the 
reach of human computation 

ed on casters to allow complete 
mobility. It is 57 inches long, 
27 inches wide, and 30.2 inches 
high. The feature of mobility 
was one of the factors which 
led to the purchase of this com- 

Johnpaul Plro, and Allen 

Juniors Mary Church, Nor- 
man Grovom and Verna Hlnes; 
and Senior Earl Johnson have 
not returned. 

Special students no longer 
Z»lZ ove f otner mo ™ buUt y taking classes are Florence 
heavy types. Angefelo, Paul Nollette, Stan 

The science department is Perisho. William Holmes and 
and to explore the application planning the adaptation of the William Updecraff 
of computers to the modern computer to the educational The freshmln class now has 

courses applicable to its use. a total of 117 members, the 

!SSi^2ituL**i*n? sophomores 82, the juniors 66 
will participate in the initial ^ th e Beniors 49 . W ith the 15 
programs to be fed into the sp e c ial students the total en- 
computer system. rollment is now 329. 

electronic space age. 

"O ne of the most exciting 
developments in my ten years 
with George Fox," was Presi- 
dent Milo Ross' comment as he 
discussed the possibilities of 
the new equipment. 

Computer Mobile 
The specifications state that 
"The PDS 1020 is a general 
purpose, stored program, serial, 
decimal, digital computer. The 
functional parts of the com- 
puter include a memory unit 
for internal storage of pro- 
grams and data; arithmetic 
and logic circuitry for manipu- 
lating instructions and data; 
input and output equipment for 
communicating with the com- 
puter; a control panel which 
includes control switches as 
well as a numeric display; a 
power supply; and such asso- 
ciated wiring and circuitry as 
are necessary to inter-connect 

these elements so that they wh ""' Zk?Z' 

W ^A%£Z>r mt SXe PDS S^JS^S^TZ 

1020 will sit at a single control Su?le7from Itch to J£SJ£ 

panel which includes switches 111^^™! ' J 

and indicators used to initiate t0 

Baritone Will Sing 
For Cultural Event 

George Fox college's second major cultural event 
will be held in chapel this Wednesday. It will feature 
baritone Robert Hale. Mr. Hale is a well known singer 
and has appeared extensively across the United States. 

Maestro George Schick, conductor of the Metro- 
politan Opera said, "He has college at Wollaston, Mass. He 

that extra something that en 
ables a performer to commun- 
icate immediately with his aud- 

Mr. Hale's career started 

graduated from Bethany Col- 
lege in Oklahoma. 

(Continued on Page 2 » 

After lunch at 12:00 the 
group meetings will reconvene 
and last from 1:30 till 3:30. 
From this time till dinner at 
5:00 p. m. open house will be 
held in the dormitories. 

The day will end with bas- 
ketball game at 8:00 p. m. 
George Fox win play Pacific 
CoUege of Fresno, California in 
Hester Gymnasium. 

Other possibilities in the pro- 
gram will include talent audi- 
tions and counseling sessions 
with department heads for 
those who want them. 

College students will parti- 
cipate throughout the- day serv- 
ing on various committees and 
showing the high schoolers 
around the campus. 

Success Anticipated 
Earl Craven, director of 
admissions, looks forward to a 
very successful program. In 
recent years there have usually 
been from 100 to 150 young 
people taking advantage of this 
program. He further stated 
that despite a very rainy day 
last year the program was very 
successful and should be even 
better this year. 

Mr. Craven also expressed 
the opinion that in past years 
the open house has been one 

of the most successful parts of 
the program. The rooms make 
an informal setting where the 
seniors can talk to the college 
students and ask questions they 
have about the student's side 
of college life. 

Stansell to Serve 
As Ambassador 

Ron StanseU, ASGFC Presi- 
dent, has been appointed as the 
Foreign Youth Ambassador for 
the Oregon Yearly Meeting. His 
appointment was announced at 
the Mid-Winter convention held 
during Christmas vacation. 

Ron will travel this summer 
to the Friends missions in Bo- 
livia and Peru, his itinerary 
being similar to that of Chuck 
Mylander, last summer's am- 

The plans are for Ron to 
leave soon after graduation and 
to return in time for Yearly 
Meeting. His major goal will 
be to follow up on the work 
done by Chuck last year and 
to help with some of the prob- 
lems of youth organization. 

The funds for the trip will 
come mainly from pledges 
made at the Mid-Winter con- 
vention. The remainder will be 
supplied through the mission 
board of the Yearly Meeting. 

Ron will travel with one of 
the missionaries in the coun- 
tries in order to visit with 
youth and speak to church and 
youth groups. He hopes to con- 
tinue some of the projects be- 
gun as a result of the visit 
made by Chuck last year and 
to increase the communications 
between youth. 

Ron feels that this will be an 
"opportunity for personal ex- 
perience in organizing- and 
working with youth as well as 
aa aid to the churches and the 
mission board. It is also an 
expression of the concern for 
youth felt throughout the 
Yearly Meeting." 

The trip is under the spon- 
sorship of the Youth Ambassa- 
dor program which is a pro- 
ject of the Yearly Meeting's 
Friends Youth. 

Juniors Lead Fall Honor Roll List 

or control the operations of the 

machine. The c6mputer is com- -J* ew r ^ ,rs 1 ^ 
pletely contained fc a compact ^ nv h ^ * een - 'JSP?* m 

and mohile rteslr imlt F manv wavs - * n ^62 he Won 

and mobile desk unit. 


19— Volleyball with OCE, 

20 — Cultural event in chapel, 
Robert Hale, baritone. 

21 — B.B. with University of 
Alaska, here. 

22— B.B. with Pacific college 
of Fresno, Salem. 

23— Future Freshmen Day. 
B.B. with Pacific college 
of Fresno, here. 

the much sought after "Sing- 
er of the Year" title to na- 
tional competition at Los An- 
geles. In February of 1964 he 
won the coveted first place in 
the New England Metropolitan 
Opera Auditions. 

Among his other awards are 
the Wilson Award from the 
Bloch Young Artists Competi- 
tion and the Amarillo Sym- 
phony Young Arist Award. He 
gave an outstanding rendition 
of the role Alin Blitch in the 
Boston production of "Susan- 
nah" and now has a dozen lead- 
ing roles to his credit with more 
planned for the future. 

After a recent appearance at 
the famed Jordan Hall he was 
called "A baritone of magnifi- 

The registrar's office last 
week released that twenty-five 
per cent of the student body of 
George Fox college was on the 
honor roll for the fall term of 
this year. The junior class led 
the honors with twenty-five 
students on the list while the 
sophomores followed with twen- 
ty-one and the seniors had 

Four students earned 4.00 
averages this first term. They 
are juniors Diane Ball and Dan- 
iel Cammack, senior Ron Stan- 
seU, and sophomore Linda Dav- 

The junior class also led with 
the highest percentage of the 
class on the honor roll. They 
had approximately thirty-eight 
per cent of the class with 
grades above a 3.00 with sen- 
iors next with twenty-nine per 
cent. The sophomores with 
twenty-seven per cent were fol- 
lowed by the freshmen with 
eighteen per cent. 

The average grade point for 

The complete list of those 
qualifying for the honor roll is: 

Seniors: Wendell Barnett, 
3.29; Dave Brown, 3.19; Harold 
Clark, 3.75; Margaret Fitzsim- 
mons, 3.00; Linda Gulley, 3.19; 
Doris Inman, 3.33; Bruce Long- 
stroth, 3.24; Edgar Madrid, 
3.69; Andrew Munne, 3.31; 
Hideo Osakabe, 3.30; Phil Rob- 
erts, 3.50; Ron Stansell, 4.00; 
Jan Sweatt, 3.47; and Alvin 
Wilkins, 3.19. 

Juniors: Keith Baker, 3.19; 
Diane Ball, 4.00; Charles Blood- 
good, 3.43; Barbara Bollish, 
3.00; Dan Cammack, 4.00; Dave 
Clark, 3.77; Sandra Cornell, 
3.80; Nancy Crockett, 3.81; 
Janet Gathright, 3.60; Carolyn 
Hampton, 3.66; Lorna Hendrie, 
3.59; Sheldon Hinshaw, 3.03; 
Marvin Krause, 3.56; Elaine 
Kunkel, 3.20; Jim Linhart, 3.44; 
Howard Macy, 3.93; Pat Mc- 
Kee, 3.00; Del Meliza, 3.53; 
Nancy Mylander, 3.47; Gary- 
anna Schmoe, 3.28; Lorraine 

Sophomores: Clark Adams, 
3.47; John Addleman, 3.59; 
Barbara Baker, 3.65; Jon 
Bishop, 3.05; Mike Britton, 
3.25; Loren Calkins, 3.18; Mike 
Caruthers, 3.00; Joan Christen- 
son, 3.38; Linda Davenport, 
4.00; Sharon Ehler, 3.77; Zoie 
Ewing, 3.06; Valerie Fegles, 
3.50; James Fink, 3.00; Nancy 
Porsythe, 3.64; Steve LeBaron, 
3.53; Ron Linhart, 3.00; Jim 
McNelly, 3.07; Judy Roberts, 
3.60; Lorraine Root, 3.00; Har- 
old Thomas, 3.61; Vic Unruh, 
3.00; and Koneta Wilkins, 3.07. 

Freshmen: Jerry Baker 
3.33; Lucille Baker, 3.31; Wen- 
dell Benedetti, 3.00; Ralph 
Beutler, 3.07; Jim Bradley, 
3.71; Mary Bel Cammack, 3.53; 
Mary Duncan, 3.00; Mike Dun- 
lap, 3.06; Bob Fletcher, 3.24; 
Sara Hill, 3.56; Beverly John- 
son, 3.20; Barbara Morrill, 3.75; 
Norman Palmer, 3.31; Luella 
Richey, 3.53; Katrina Salo, 3.29; 
Christine Shipman, 3.18; Rose- 

Page Two 


Monday, January 18, 1965 

Let's Solve This! 

At the student council retreat last weekend 
the members of the council expressed a concern 
which strikes near to the heart of all GFC stu- 
dents — chapels! Now that is a word which con- 
jures up various reactions and attitudes. In fact 
there is little else with such an emotional reaction 
on campus, unless it is perhaps co-ed dorms. 

Perhaps the most encouraging sign was the 
action which the council took. They first sent a 
letter to the administration recommending that 
the chapel committee begin to function to meet 
some of the problems faced in programming. And 
then the council took the wisest step of all. They 
appointed a committee and headed it the "chapel 
suggestion committee". 

The purpose of the committee, which will be 
headed by Fred Gregory, is to determine what 
improvements can be made in the chapel program, 
this included not only physical improvements in 
the setting and better programming, but the very 
attitudes of the students themselves. And here 
we come to what we believe is the crux of the 

There is nothing funny nor encouraging in 
rudeness. Nor is the testimony of a student body 
enhanced by an impolite, indeed impertinent, aud- 
ience. Granted, the speaker or presentation may 
not be the most interesting or stimulating, in fact 
they are, upon occasion, pretty uninteresting. But 
there is NO excuse for the attitude which seems 
to have developed about the chapels. 

One of the problems is the setting. And one 
of the recommendations of student council was 
that someone finally ought to fix the speaker sys- 
tems. Even a good speaker needs to be heard. 
And, lo and behold, they were fixed last week. 

Another problem is of the presentations. 
They are supposed to be varied, and even the most 
devout can weary of preachers. And in this the 
committee is supposed to poll the students, other 
schools, and come up with some ideas. And this 
is where the students can help. Chapel speakers 
are donating their time and must come here free. 
Student volunteers are being sought to fill in some 
of the programs. 

We can't have a new chapel overnight. But 
we can have a better attitude overnight. It would 
be a shame to bring some top speakers before our 
rude audience. And until the students show that 
they deserve something better, and until they are 
willing to put out a little effort towards a better 
program, the best presentations possible won't 
solve the chapel program. 

So now what? The fleece has been thrown 
out. The committees report should be in within a 
month or so. One of the sections will be. on dis- 
cipling students during chapel. There should be 
no need to begin some policing of chapels. This 
should come from a sincere desire of the students 
themselves to be Christian listeners. For it is the 
very ones who are the rudest who need to listen 
the most. 

Are You failing Us ... . 

Or Are We failing Youl 

It really seems a shame that The Crescent hasn't been able 
to stir up more student opinion. It seems ages since we have had 
a letter, or even a scathing: criticism. The question arises whether 
it is because we are failing in our responsibility or whether the 
students just don't care enough. 

We would venture to guess it is the latter. The Crescent 
wants to be of service to you. We shall try to dig up some scintil- 
lating, collegiate concerns which will cause the letters and com- 
ments to pour in. But we need the students, and that means you. 
We haven't even had enough reported to continue running a 
Between Classes column. 

It seems a shame that a paper which is progressing in so 
many areas is failing in such an important one. This is written 
in the nature of an appeal. Surely there is something in this 
paper you feel strongly enough' about to comment on, or a situa- 
tion on campus, or off. Why not drop us a line or two? 

dunlap Aids Rescue Work Via Radio 

By Sue Burbank 

Christmas vacation afforded 
a new and interesting exper- 
ience for Mike Dunlap, GFC 
freshman. Mike operated a 
ham radio station for the Red 
Cross during the flood disaster. 

His responsibility to provide 
emergency communications for 
the Red Cross was a time-con- 
suming project for him. He 
stated that during the whole 
week of Christmas he got a 
total of twelve hours of sleep. 

The Red Cross used radio 
communications to help track 
the location of personnel and 
the jobs they were doing at 
each particular time. They set 
up evacuation centers where 
they fed and cared for disaster 

Set TTp Station 

The first day that Mike vol- 
unteered he set up a station in 
a Portland motel and worked 
the better part of the night 
from that position. On Tues- 
day this mobile ham unit was 
transferred to the flood scene 
but only remained there for 
several hours before being 

The station was set up again 
briefly at an evacuation center 
before it was moved to the 
main Red Cross center for the 
remainder of the week. 

Since this was an emer- 
gency situation, Mike was on 
duty most of the time and he 
remembers sleeping with the 
microphone in his hand, ready 
to be called if needed. 

Relayed Messages 
One of Mike's major jobs 
was to relay messages to the 

MIKE DUNLAP sits at his ham radio equipment showing the 
style he used during rescue operations of the recent floods. 

police and to receive instruc- 
tions from them. The police 
were in charge of the actual 
evacuation and calls of distress 
frequently came to the Red 
Cross center. 

Besides the radio station 
manned by Mike, there were 
many others scattered in stra- 
tegic locations in the flood 
areas. Also hundreds of relay 
stations participated in giving 

Mike was glad that ham 
radio played such an important 

Replies to Column 

part in this emergency because 
he felt it placed such radios in 
a more favorable light. 

As Mike told of his feelings 
about the experience: "Ama- 
teur radio is not only a hobby 
but a public service. It is only 
in emergencies such as the 
flood that its true worth can 
be seen. I am also glad that I 
had the personal experience." 

Mike has set up his ham 
radio equipment in Port Elig- 
ible and is now able to pursue 
this hobby here at George Pox. 

Nurse Offers Explanation 
Of Campus Health Service 

By Mrs. Alice Ross, RJtf. 
f .■Ia.ima r„.„| May I use this opportunity to explain more 
vUlTUl V C VBlll f ormally the GFC program in student health ? I 

. vox 



Entered as second-class matter at the post office at Newberg, Ore- 
gon. Published fourteen times during the college year by the 
Associated Students of George Fox College (formerly Pacific 

Chapel will be extended Wed- 
nesday to allow a longer per- 

Drama Presentation 

Another up-coming event will 
be the presentation of Between 
Two Thieves by the Drama de- 
partment January 28-31. It is 
a play in the form of a mock 
trial in which modern Jews, 
Christians, and even agnostic 
are pitted against each other 
in drama about whether the 
ancient Jews were guilty of the 
death of Christ. 

It was translated from the 
original Italian by an Ameri- 
can Jew and presents all sides 
of the picture. It is being pre- 
sented in the hope that it will 
get the audience to open up 
their minds to new ideas. 

Those included in the cast are 
Ron Parrlsh, Clark Adams, 
Rosemary Thomas, Gary 
Hinkle, Katrina Salo, Phil Rob- 
erts, Sheldon Kins haw, Mahlon 
Wilson, Lorl Root, Keith Drahn, 
Ron Linhart, Steve LeBaron, 
Phil Morrill, and Cheryl Grib- 

The play will be in the Cen- 
tral School auditorium and the 
admission will be $1.00 for 
adults and 50 cents for stu- 

This play has enjoyed long 
runs in NewYork and the capi- 
tals of 22 countries in Europe. 

Mrs. Medlock Has 
New Art Position 

Mrs. Armetta Medlock was 
introduced to the faculty dur- 
ing the recent faculty meeting 
as the interim professor of art 
at George Pox. She is taking 
the responsibility of acting art 
professor while Mrs. Lynn Ol- 
son is on leave. 

Mrs. Medlock received her 
BA degree from Greenville col- 
lege in Illinois and her Mas- 
ter's degree from Adams State 
college. She has also done ad- 
vance work at the University 
of Washington and the Univer- 
sity of Michigan. 

Besides teaching at other 
schools in Colorado she has 
taught for seventeen years at 
Seattle Pacific college where 
she also served as head of the 
art department. 

According to Professor Dean 
McNichols of Seattle Pacific, 
formerly dean of George Fox, 
Mrs. Medlock has a fine repu- 
tation in the city of Seattle for 
training are students for the 

have read with interest the remarks of students 
in the previous issue of the Crescent, and it may 
be that out of this interchange of opinions we 
can all come up with an improved service from 
term to term. 

First, to me, the most important considera- 
tion in a program for student health is to assure 
the well-being, physically and emotionally, of all 
the college community. Second, these goals should 
be achieved with as little cost to the students as 
a group, and thus to the individual student, too. 
And third, the student should miss as little class 
time as possible. 

George Fox has provided the best institu- 
tional group policy is is possible for our adminis- 
tration to arrange. It is possible that some fam- 
ilies, on a private basis, or in connection with 
other group policies, may have comparable 

An added concern for those of us in student 
health is that each student does not get "down" 
and therefore miss his class participation. The 
emotional reaction from getting behind, and thus 
be under pressure to bring up his grades, may 
be a more serious situation than the actual illness 
itself. Thus our insistance that students get up, 
come to the dispensary ; and in most instances the 
very act of getting up, dressing, and the walk 
itself, produces a reaction of bodily and mental 
vigor. And, as a part of this, going to meals pro- 
duces the same good results. There is less danger 
of contagion in the initial trip to the dispensary 
than if a student stays in his room, and other stu- 
dents are not isolated immediately. 

Our plans provide for longer hours as the col- 
lege grows. Upper division students will testify 
to the fact that the nurse is available in the dis- 
pensary this year for longer periods than pre- 
viously. Our long-range plans are to build a sep- 
arate health center, but that we shall not have 
all the duplicating facilities of the Newberg Com- 
munity Hospital. We are ideally situated in a 
small town and nearby to the adequate public hos- 

As a personal note, I hope that all students 
will realize my desire to serve all of you to the 
best of my ability. In case of emergency, I am 
available at any hour. Our program is carried 
out in cooperation with the Dean of Students, the 
physical education people, and the head residents. 
May our relationships with all of you students 

Monday, January 18, 1965 


Page Three 

By Meredith Youngren 

The words, "New Year" almost always call 
to one's attention a fresh beginning or outlook 
on life. As one meditates on the experiences, 
joys, sorrows, achievements, and blessings of the 
year behind him he also thinks about and makes 
plans for the new experiences which the new 
year before him will bring. 

Most people will recall many personal fail- 
ures of the past year, and will anticipate elim- 
inating as many of these as possible for the com- 
ing year. One promises and resolves to himself 
how he can improve his life and he may even 
set firm resolutions as to how he will live in the 
forthcoming year. 

Students at George Fox quite readily admit 
that they do not usually make resolutions, be- 
cause they don't ever keep them. Comments on 
the subject "Do you make New Year's Resolu- 
tions, and if you do, do you keep them, or if you 
do not make them, why don't you?" are as fol- 

JOHN BAKER states, "I made no New 
Year's Resolutions this year. I instead make 
resolutions as I come to a time when a definite 
choice must be made. However, I believe that 
this tradition could be of great value to help to 
improve one's habits of life, if one took advant- 
age of it by self-evaluation and self-griticism." 

JUDY ROBERTS says, "I used to make New 
Year's Resolutions and stick to them for a week 
or so, and forget them after that. Now, at the 
beginning of a new year, I re-evaluate my Christ- 
ian walk and resolve to live in closer communion 
with Christ. I think the New Year is a good op- 
portunity to take a good look at ourselves and 
resolve to do better, but when improvements 
need to be made there's no need to wait until 
next New Year's!" 

MISS ALICE DIXON — New Year's Reso- 
lutions? Not really. I usually look back over 
the past year and note the failures and weak 
places — then pray for help and guidance to 
make the coming year better, but I don't often 
list definite resolutions. It's too easy to start off 
big and fail to carry through. 

IX)RNA HENDRIE thinks that "New Year's 
Resolutions are not realistic enough for me to 
keep them. I make too many. Instead of keep- 

ing just one, I don't keep any of them. So I just 
don't waste my time making them anymore." 

ELLEN RASMUSSEN comments, "I feel our 
lives need to be previewed, not only at the be- 
ginning of each year, but at the beginning of 
each new day. New Year's Resolutions are new 
goals and ideas we would like to attain. If we 
make them hand in hand' with God's will for our 
lives, they are worthwhile, but it is when we 
alone resolve to do better that we get riscouraged 
and forget that which we desire to improve." 

RON S TANS ELL — "I have occasionally 
made New Year's Resolutions, usually probably 
too generalized to be very helpful. Nevertheless, 
I think they can be good. I find myself not al- 
ways measuring up to my resolve step by step, 
but rather pointing in the intended direction. If 
a new resolve for self -improvement through God's 
help can accomplish even this much, then it has 
been worthwhile." 

EM1KO GOHARA — "I don't make resolu- 
tions necessarily at the beginning of a new 
year. My resolutions are made as I need them 
throughout the year." 

SHERYL CLOUD — "I think New Year's 
Resolutions boost your ego if you actually keep 
them, and they are stupid if you break them 
right away." 

BEA SANDOZ — "I don't make them be- 
cause I know I won't stick to them. I've tried 
them before but they never work." 

LEROV FOSTER — "They are nothing but 
a formality. As a whole, I don't think people are 
earnest in making resolutions. I think they are 
satarized more than anything else." 

- CLARK ADAMS. "I make one resolution 
each year, the same resolution: I resolve never 
to make New Year's Resolutions. I always keep 
this resolution. The reason I make said resolution 
is that I find it is the only kind or resolution that 
I can keep. P.S. Quoth he who had more words 
to his tongue than the rest." 

JOHN LINHART — "No, I don't make them. 
Why say something when you don't mean it?" 

ANDREW MUUNE — from Kenya— "I do not 
usually make New Year's Resolutions, this be- 
ing a foreign custom to me. However, I should 
state that I have a goal in my life. This goal is 
to learn as much and as fast as I can and go 
back to my country to serve my people." 

WENDELL BENEDETTI studys his psychology as he waits for 
time to pass. This was during bis record-breaking SO hour shower. 

Class Aids 

Paper Backs 

— All Your 
School Supplies — 

May Be Obtained 

The Book Store 

Council Retreats 
To Agate Beach 

The student council retreat 
was held January 9 at Agate 
Beach in the cabin home of Dr. 
and Mrs. Ross. All council 
members, Dr. and Mrs. Ross, 
and Dean Louthan were pres- 

At the meeting the student 
representatives, under the di- 
rection of ASGFC president 
Ron Stansell, discussed many 
items of business after a time 
of devotions. 

A committee was appointed by 
the council to investigate prob- 
lems of chapel programs and 
to make recommendations to 
the chapel committee. The 
council also decided to cooper- 
ate with Director of Admis- 
sions Earl Craven on the activi- 
ties for Future Freshmen Day. 

It was decided by the coun- 
cil to purchase a new mimeo- 
graph machine for the price of 
$350. An election committee 
was also appointed to prepare 
for the election and to begin 
stimulating- interest in the com- 
ing ASGFC election this spring. 

A committee, with Jon New- 
kirk in charge, was appointed 
to investigate and propose to 
council any necessary changes 
in the Yell Squad Standing 
Rules. This is to avoid trans- 
portation and expense problems 
for far away games at which 
attendance is presently requir- 

Jon Newkirk made arrange- 
ments for the retreat and fill- 
ed the position of chef for the 
noon hamburger fry. 

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College Rates 

• Bowler of the Week 
• College Lanes 

Page Four 


Monday, January 18, 1965 

After the recent announcement of the discon- 
tinuation of baseball for the spring of '65, a few 
words of explanation seem necessary to prevent 
misunderstanding between students and adminis- 
tration. After discussing the matter with both 
Athletic Director Earl Craven and Dean of Ad- 
ministration Frank Cole, I hope to give a report 
of sorts on what has been accomplished thus far. 

The lack of a field was given as the major rea- 
son for this cancellation. The administration 
seems to have been overconfident of the contrac- 
tor's promise to do the work since midsummer. 
The feeling now is that even if the field is finished 
in time it will be too muddy for use this season. 

At the time of this writing there is some hope 
that the work can be done before time for baseball 
and if possible, for it to be used. This is not being 
written to get anyone's hopes too high but rather 
to show that an effort is being made to correct 
the situation. Fellows who are interested in play- 
ing baseball should contact the administration, 
because the greater the desire, the better the 
chances of having a team. 

It is good to know that the administration is 
taking action since a field and full-time coach was 
promised last year. Every possibility should be 
checked to make baseball available this year since 
it was and still is the responsibility of the admin- 
istration to provide this facility. If every effort 
is made and it is still impossible to compete this 
year, the administration should make certain that 
a situation of this nature does not arise again. 
* * * * 

It seems fitting to add a word about our 
champion volleyball team. They won the league 
last week by defeating the girls of Linfield col- 
lege. There is still a chance for the students to 
see the girls in action. Their final home game will 
be against OCE next Tuesday in Hester gym- 
nasium. Come out and show these girls some true 
championship spirit. 


Hoopsfers Trounce 
NCC Cavaliers 

Using a second half outburst, 
the GFC Quakers buried the 
visiting Northwest Christian 
Crusaders 70-54, January 9. 
The host Quakers jumped to a 
4-0 lead in the opening min- 
utes of the game but were soon 
slowed and passed by the Cru- 

NCC continued to dominate 
the game and built up a 9 point 
lead with 5 minutes remaining 
in the first half. However, the 
Quakers suddenly came to life 
and in the closing minutes of 
the half cut the lead to 28-27. 

In the second stanza the 
Quakers took up where they 
left off and soon were pulling 
away from the Crusaders. Sev- 
eral times NCC threatened to 
get back in the game but were 
. checked by a flury of baskets 
by Coach Haskell's crew. As 
time ran out the Crusaders 
fought desperately, but the 
Quakers won going away with 
a final score of 70-54. 

The Quaker victory evened 
their league record at 2-2 and 
avenged an earlier two-point 
loss at the hands of NCC. 

The scoring story was one 
of balance on the part of the 
GPC'ers. Leading the Quakers 
was Jess Wilson with 17. Close 
behind were Dale Twenge with 
16 and Jim McNelly with 12. 
The other two GFC starters 
Ron Heide and Gary Blackmar 
contributed 10 and 8 respec- 
tively. Scoring honors for the 
game went to Lynn Griffen of 
NCC with 26. Dwain Spooner 
had 11 for the losers. 

In the preliminary game, the 
JV's downed the Central Naz- 
arene church of Vancouver 
66-99 to make a clean sweep 
for the night. 

A& W 



Banana Boats 

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BECKETT'S JEWELRY, 1st Naf I. Bldg. 

STEVE MOIXER works his way around a Cavalier defender as 
teammate Ron Heide awaits his turn. This action took place in 
last week's NCC game which OF won. 

GF Girls Take League, 
End Season Undefeated 

Coach Marge Weesner predicted at the beginning of 
volleyball season that "with more practice and more 
game experience we should have a good volleyball team." 
The prediction turned out to be an accurate one. Last 
week the girls defeated Linfield to become champions 
of the league. 

With only one game 
straight win season. I-Jist Tues- 
day they defeated Linfield by 
15-5 and 15-6 scores. 

Tomorrow night the girls 
will play OCE at 7:00 in Hes- 
ter gymnasium. GFC has al- 
ready won a non-league game 
from this team. 

The first string team consists 
of Janet Johnson, Linda Moore, 

Ross Hosts Dinner 

The students chosen to Who's 
Who Among Students in Amer- 
ican Universities and Colleges 
and their guests were honored 
at a dinner in the Agate Beach 
cabin of Dr. and Mrs. Ross on 
Sunday, January 10. 

The students were the guests 
of Dr. Ross and attended the 
buffet in honor of the recogni- 
tion paid to them and the 
school by the national publica- 
tion. Dean and Mrs. Louthan 
also attended the affair. 


Prescription Store 



606 E. First 

Complete Pharmacy 

Vacation Brings 
Rings and Things 

Announced during the Christ- 
mas holidays was the engage- 
ment of Donna Wilhite to John 
Coleman. The couple have set 
the wedding date for June 19, 

Mr. and Mrs. Roy McConaug- 
hey (Karen Thornburg) ex- 
changed vows Sunday after- 
noon, December 27, 1964 in the 
Newberg Friends church. Dr. 
Milo C. Ross, who also wed the 
groom's parents twenty-five 
years ago, conducted the_ serv- 
ice. The couple honeymooned 
in California. 

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thomp- 
son (Janice Benson) were join- 
ed in holy wedlock Friday eve- 
ning, December 18, 1964. The 
double-ring ceremony took 
place at the First Friends 
church in Portland, with Ger- 
ald Dillon officiating. The 
bride's color scheme was red 
and green. 

left the team has had a 
Janet Gathright, Nancy Crock- 
ett, Rene Haeklns, and Cynthia 
Chong. Janet Johnson and 
Nancy Crockett have shared 
the position of team captain. 

Reserves Nancy Newlm, Sue 
Boyce, Tonya Edwards, Sara 
HiQ, Cherry Franklin, and Jan 
NewMyer have seen action in 
several games. Against lin- 
field they played as a second 
team and beat LC's second 
team in four straight games. 

The individual season scor- 
ing of the first team is as fol- 

Linda Moore 67 

Ilene Haskins 64 

Janet Johnson 63 

Cynthia Chong 43 

Nancy Crockett 37 

Jan Gathright 28 

Saturday, January 16, the 
team travelled to Vancouver, 
Washington to participate in a 
volleyball sports day held at 
Clark college. 

Basketball will begin the 
week after volleyball is con- 
cluded. A basketball sports day 
at Oregon State has been 
scheduled for February 13. The 
complete schedule for the bas- 
ketball competition should be 
available in the near future. 

Students Hold Party 

The "Smudders Brudders" en- 
tertained at the all school so- 
cial held in the Quaker Inn 
January 8. After a few songs 
from their repertoire, the aud- 
ience was invited to sing along. 
Pizza and punch were served as 
the refreshments for the eve- 

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